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Who We Are


Peace Omotayo Adeleye

Peace is an Associate at Kenna Partners, a leading law firm based in Nigeria where she practices international dispute resolution, taxation, and litigation. She is a First-Class graduate from Babcock University where she obtained her Bachelor of Laws (LL. B) degree. She has an avid interest in international investment law, international dispute resolution, energy law, international arbitration, taxation, and international law of the sea.

     She was a delegate of the Moot Alumni Association (MAA) to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Working Group II (Dispute Settlement) 72nd Session held from 21 – 25 September 2020. She currently acts as the African Regional representative of the MAA and is a member of various international arbitration groups including the Young ICCA, Young ITA and has acted as arbitrator in several moots including the FDI Skadden Moot and the Vis Moots.​



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Afolabi Oluwatomiwa Adekemi, LL.M.

Afolabi is a doctoral candidate at the European Institute University of Saarland Germany, where he doubles as a Research Associate at the chair for Public Law, Public International Law and European Law. He specializes in Foreign Trade Law, and International Dispute Resolution, focusing on both Investor-State and International Commercial Arbitration.

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Prof. Dr. Thiago Almeida, LL.M.

Thiago is a professor, lawyer, specialist in international investments, and postdoctoral researcher in climate finance at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. in international investment law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), awarded with the maximum grade (100/A) in 2023. He is a career specialist at the State of Minas Gerais, with current deployment to the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG), a Brazilian sub-national bank, working on international investments with multilateral development banks, like EIB, IDB, CAF, AIIB, NDB, FONPLATA. 

     Thiago is also a professor and researcher at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (funded in part by the European Union), professor of international law at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC Minas) and CEDIN, and a visiting professor at Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai, India. He is Associate Editor of the Indian Review of International Arbitration (, a Coordinator of the E3 Study Group (Études sur les Économies Émergentes / Studies on Emerging Economies), linked to UFMG and the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and member of the Brazil-Switzerland Network of Academics and Professionals.​

Andrés Eduardo Alvarado Garzón, LL.M.

Andrés is a PhD Candidate at Saarland University in Germany, where he also works as a research associate at the Chair for Public Law, Public International Law and European Law of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg. His research is focused primarily on the fields of international investment law and trade law. Previously, he studied law at the Universidad Externado de Colombia, where he also worked as an assistant at the Chair of Procedural Law. He holds an LL.M. degree in European and International Law from the Europa-Institut at Saarland University, with emphasis on Foreign Trade and Investment, and International Dispute Resolution. He is qualified to practice law in Colombia, where he has gained professional experience working for the private sector.


Dr. Chirag Balyan, M.A., LL.M.

Chirag is an Assistant Professor of Law at Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai (India). Chirag heads the Centre for Arbitration and Research at the Uni-versity and is the editor-in-chief of the Indian Review of International Arbitration.

He has co-edited the books "Commercial Arbitration: International Trends and Practices" (Thomson Reuters); "Specialized Arbitration: Emerging International Trends and Practices" (Thomson Reuters); as well as "Handbook on Investment Arbitration in India" (NLU Mumbai).​



April Barnard, MSc

April is a registered patent agent and scientific advisor in Indianapolis, IN. Her practice focuses on patent preparation and prosecution as well as client counseling in the life sciences including organic chemistry, biomedical sciences, and immunology. In her legal scholarship, April has focused on various aspects of International and Humanitarian law. Prior to her career in intellectual property law, April studied microbiology & immunology at Indiana University School of Medicine where her research focused heavily on genetic determinants of viral virulence.



Bianca Böhme, LL.M.

Bianca Böhme is a Research Associate at the Chair for Public Law, Public International Law and European Law of Prof. Dr. Marc Bungenberg. Her research focuses on International and European Economic Law and International Dispute Settlement, in particular Investment Arbitration. She is also the managing editor of the journal ZEuS (Zeitschrift für europarechtliche Studien). Bianca studied law at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) and obtained an LL.M. degree in International Law, International Trade, Investment and Arbitration from Heidelberg University (Germany). In 2020, she was awarded the Thomas Wälde Award for Best Advocate at the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot. For more information please visit Saarland University or LinkedIn.

Fahira Brodlija, LL.M.

Fahira is the Rule of Law Advisor for a regional GIZ legal reform project focusing on the reform of the legal framework for investment protection and investor-state dispute settlement in the Western Balkans.
     Fahira is an adjunct lecturer at the International University of Sarajevo, and she frequently writes and speaks on topics related to ISDS reform, investment law and international dispute resolution more broadly. Fahira is a tutor for the CiArb Diploma program, lecturer at the Africa Arbitration Academy, and guest lecturer at universities across Africa, Europe and the United States.
     Fahira is also a former Vis Moot participant and a coach of law faculties from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region since 2016.
     Last but not least, Fahira is a member of Association ARBITRI, and founder of the GEM diversity and mentorship program supporting young academics and practitioners in the field of international arbitration.

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Denise Theresa Chisveto, LL.M.

Denise is a Master of Laws (LL.M.) graduate of the World Trade Law track at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Before joining McKinney she was involved in and committed to voluntary work for the benefit causes of women’s rights. Denise completed her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree from the University of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland) in 2019 where she found a niche in international trade and investment law. ​​​​

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Prof. Dr. Manjiao Chi, LL.M.

Cliff is Professor and Founding Director, Center for International Economic Law and Policy (CIELP), School of Law, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China. He is Deputy Chair, UNCITRAL Academic Forum on ISDS; Co-Chair, ASIL Asia Pacific Interest Group; Standing Council Member, Chinese Society of International Law, to list a few. He is also a founding editor of the Asian Yearbook of International Economic Law, board member of several international law and foreign policy journals, author of numerous books and journal articles, frequent speaker in major international law and -relations conferences, and visiting professor of leading law schools across the world. In 2021, he delivered a course in the Hague Academy of International Law. He has rich experience of international commercial and investment arbitration, WTO litigation, treaty negotiation and trade policy-making. He holds BA, LLM and Ph.D in Law degrees.




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Stevan Dimitrijević, LL.M.

Stevan is Senior Partner and co-founder of Dimitrijević & Partners law firm, one of the leading law firms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Stevan obtained his LL.B. from the University of Belgrade in 1998. In 2020, he defended his Master thesis on the legal position of the Multilateral Investment Court of the European Union at the University of Banja Luka. He is working on a PhD in private international law focusing on mediation in the protection of foreign investments.

     Stevan is a member of the bars of Republika Srpska, as well as Bosnia and Herze-govina, and the International Bar Association (IBA). As an arbitrator, he is affiliated with VIAC, CIETAC, the International Arbitration Court in Shenzhen, the Interna-tional Arbitration Centre in South China, Hong Kong, the Association for Arbitration of the Republic of Serbia, and the Chamber of Commerce of Republika Srpska - International Trade Arbitration. He is a member of MENSA and of the Association of European Energy Consultants (AEEC). Stevan has been recognized as a "leading individual" in commercial, corporate, and M&A law by EMEA Legal 500 and has been ranked in Band 1 by Chambers and Partners. He speaks English, French, Greek, and Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian.












Dr. Berit Ebert

Berit teaches at Bard College Berlin. She specializes in European Union law with a focus on gender equality. Her current research interests lie at the intersection of gender equity, democracy, and the rule of law in the context of the multilevel governance structure of the European Union. She is the author of "Wie Europa Zeus bändigte. Transnationalität im Gleichstellungsrecht der Europäischen Union" (How Europe Tamed Zeus. Transnationality and Gender Equality Law in the European Union) (Tectum/Nomos, 2021), which elaborates on the impact of EU citizens on the development of the Union's gender equality framework. Her articles appeared in the Open Gender Journal, Democracy SOS, and The Berlin Journal. Recent articles are "Elections in Poland, with democracy hanging in the balance" (2023) and "Gender Equality und Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der EU. Die polnische Justizreform" (2022).



Prof. Dr. Frank Emmert, LL.M., FCIArb

Frank is the John S. Grimes Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Int'l and Comparative Law at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. He teaches Int'l Business Transactions, Int'l Commercial Arbitration, Int'l Trade Law, Int'l Investment Law, and EU Law, and has published more than 100 books and articles in these areas of law. More recently, he also developed and taught courses on Blockchain and Digital Currency Law, as well as Artificial Intelligence and the Law. He frequently speaks at conferences around the world and serves as a consultant and arbitrator in int'l business disputes. For more information please visit 

Indiana University (contact info & CV), Chartered Institute of Arbitrators,

Blockchain Law Alliance,   Research Gate,   SSRN,   Personal Website,   Art Projects

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Prof. Dr. Begaiym Esenkulova, LL.M.

Begaiym is an Associate Professor at American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.

     Begaiym teaches courses on investment law and sustainable development, int'l investment arbitration, int'l environmental law, and others. She holds LL.M. (Summa Cum Laude) and S.J.D (Summa Cum Laude) degrees from Central European Uni-versity. She served as a visiting scholar at Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment in 2013, a visiting doctoral research scholar at International Investment Law Center of the University of Cologne, Germany in 2015, a visiting doctoral research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany in 2015, and as a visiting postdoctoral scholar at Indiana University, Bloomington in 2018. Begaiym has a number of publications related to her research interests in the USA, Europe, and Central Asia. She has presented her research at Harvard University, Columbia University, Bard College, Indiana University, George Washington University, University of Cologne, University of Siegen, London School of Economics and Political Science, and other universities and research centers.


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Kiran Nasir Gore

Kiran focuses her practice on U.S. and transnational dispute resolution.  She specializes in complex litigation, international commercial and investment arbitration, and global investigations. Her experience spans a variety of industries, including non-profits, luxury goods, medical devices and pharmaceuticals, natural resources, energy, shipping, and transport. Kiran has previously served as a senior associate in the Washington, DC office of Three Crowns LLP and as an associate in the New York office of DLA Piper LLP. She currently is Counsel in the Law Offices of Charles H. Camp, PC. Kiran also serves as Associate Editor of the Kluwer Arbitration Blog and Associate Editor of the ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal. She draws on her professional experiences as an educator at the George Washington University Law School. Kiran's full bio is available here, please feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.




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Gustavo Adolfo Guarín Duque, LL.M.

Gustavo is a Trade and Investment Counselor at the Colombian Mission before the WTO in Geneva and a Lecturer of international economic law at the Universidad Externado, Colombia. He is also a Ph.D. candidate at the Europa-Institut at Saarland University, Germany. He holds an LL.M in European and International Law from the same institution and an LL.M in International Economic Law and Policy from the University of Barcelona, Spain. His Ph.D. research focuses on Access to Justice for Local Communities and International Investment Law in the light of Sustainable Develop-ment Goal number 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustain-able development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at  all levels).

Gustavo's ResearchGate profile is linked here. He recently co-authored the case for the ELSA John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition in WTO Law.










Shirin Gurdova, LL.M.

Shirin is an arbitration practitioner based in Paris. She has advised clients in investor-state arbitration and international commercial arbitration proceedings, both ad hoc (UNCITRAL), and under the auspices of major arbitral institutions (ICC and ICSID). She has particular expertise in banking, energy, and construction disputes.

She holds an LL.M. in International Business & Economic Law from Georgetown University Law Center, an LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS) from the Graduate Institute of Geneva and the University of Geneva, an LL.M. in Public International Law and Human Rights from the Riga Graduate School of Law, and a BA in International and Business Law from the American University of Central Asia.

Shirin is fluent in English, Turkish, Russian, and Turkmen, and has a working proficiency in Iranian Farsi and French.

Shirin is a Co-Chair of Young ICCA, a leading arbitration knowledge network for young practitioners and students, functioning under the auspices of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).


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Dr. Gábor Hajdu

Gábor is a senior lecturer at the University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, and a Junior Research Fellow of the Institute for Legal Studies in the Centre for Social Sciences. He obtained his Juris Doctor degree in the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Szeged, and also completed the university’s American Legal Expert program simultaneously. He later completed his PhD at the University of Szeged's Doctoral School of Law and Political Sciences. Gábor’s main areas of interest include foreign investment protection and international trade law, especially issues relating to investor-state dispute settlement.​​


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Prof. Dr. Angshuman Hazarika, LL.M.

Angshuman is an Assistant Professor for Ethics and Business Law at IIM Ranchi, India. He also teaches at IIIT Ranchi and IICM Ranchi. Prior to this, Angshuman worked as a Research Associate at Saarland University, Germany, where he also obtained his doctoral degree. He was awarded the Angela Merkel Scholarship by DAAD for his Master’s Degree at the Europa-Institut, Saarbrücken, Germany. The special focus of his work is on investment arbitration with focus on state-to-state arbitration and the impact of investment arbitration on developing countries. He is also involved in work relating to the interface of foreign policy, trade and investment and he has worked on issues of investment screening and dispute resolution mechanisms for trade and investment issues.

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Dr. Balázs Horváthy 

Balázs is research fellow and head of the Department of Private Law at the Institute for Legal Studies of Centre for Social Sciences (Hungary, Budapest) and associate professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Széchenyi István University (Hungary, Györ). He obtained his Ph.D. from ELTE University (Hungary, Budapest) in trade defense instruments of the European Union in 2009. He teaches courses in international trade and investment law, and EU law. His current research interests include environmental and social concerns in international trade and investment law, and reform of investor-state dispute settlement. He currently participates in the EU funded DEMOS Horizon 2020 project. He is a member of the Society of International Economic Law, the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), and the Hungarian Society of the International Federation for European Law (FIDE). 



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Arno Janssens, LL.M.

Arno is a New York-qualified international arbitration lawyer who acts as Counsel and Secretary of the Arbitral Tribunal in a wide variety of industries. His expertise spans across several areas of public international law, including UN sanctions, maritime delimitation, the financing of terrorism, and the international public order. Arno currently serves as case reporter for Transnational Dispute Management and is a member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration and the Young International Council for Commercial Arbitration. Previously, Arno clerked for the Chief Justice of Belgium’s Constitutional Court and served as Evidence Reviewer at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. He holds an LL.M. degree from the University of Chicago Law School and obtained his primary law degree from the University of Leuven.


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Nevena Jevremovic, LL.M.

Nevena brings ten years of practical and academic experience in designing, develop-ing, and delivering courses and training programs in international commercial law and arbitration. She is currently an Honorary Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen, School of Law, and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law (since January 2022).

     She was a guest lecturer at Prince Sultan University, College of Law, Female Campus (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), Faculty of Law at the University of Zenica, International Sarajevo University (IUS), and University of Verona & CILE's Summer School, teaching courses on CISG, contract and commercial management, technology and law, and int'l commercial arbitration. She is a trainer in various national and int'l training programs for Bosnia and Herzegovina judges, in-house counsels, arbitrators, and students.

     Nevena's research work and teaching focus on the impact of ethical and social values and technology on trading relationships and the social role of contracts in achieving sustainable development goals. She is enrolled in a Ph.D. program (Faculty of Law at the University of Zenica), focusing on the concept of quality of goods in CISG and Sustainable Development Goal 12 (Sustainable Consumption and Production).

Nevena is the author of the national monographs on Civil Procedure and Energy Law in volumes of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws. She published a dozen articles on int'l dispute resolution and int'l commercial law. She holds an LL.M. in Int'l Law from the University of Pittsburgh, School of Law (2016), and an LL.M. in Civil Law in the EU from the University of Sarajevo, School of Law (2015).



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Julia Jung, LL.M., Attorney-at-Law

Julia founded Jung Legal Solutions based in Zurich in 2020. She serves as independent mediator and arbitrator in international commercial and investor-state matters. She is a Swiss-qualified Attorney-at-law and holds an LL.M. in Dispute Resolution from Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law's Straus Institute. She is a certified mediator with the Swiss Bar Association (SBA) and the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM). In 2020 she took the ICSID/ECT/CEDR investor-state mediator training. She is a board member of the Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation, a member of the Swiss Bar Association's expert committee on mediation, a member of the International Academy of Mediators, and a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration & ADR for Switzerland. Julia regularly lectures in mediation and arbitration.

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Konstantina Kloufetos

Konstantina is a J.D. graduate of Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, with concentration certificates in Comparative and International Law as well as Corporate and Commercial Law. She was an Articles Editor with the Indiana Law Review, fundraising chair with Phi Delta Phi legal honor society, and a returning summer associate in the Indianapolis office of Faegre, Drinker, Biddle & Reath LLP. Before moving to Indiana for law school, Konstantina spent most of her life in Philadelphia, PA, receiving her Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Haverford College and her Certificate in Secondary Mathematics Education from Bryn Mawr College. With a background in Greece and Canada, international topics have always been of interest to Konstantina. She is ecstatic to help in bringing this exciting book project to fruition! 

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Bálint Kovács, LL.M.

Bálint is a PhD Candidate at the Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies at Debrecen University, Hungary. He is currently working full time as a researcher at the Ferenc Mádl Institute of Comparative Law in Budapest, Hungary and teaches International Economic Law at Sapientia University in Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár, Romania. His research focuses mainly on international investment law, but he is also interested in general international law, human rights law and the protection of national minorities. Before fully focusing on research he worked as a legal advisor in the for-profit and nonprofit sectors. He is a founding member of Advocacy Group for Freedom of Identity, a human rights NGO.​


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Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Laryea, LL.M.

Emmanuel is an Associate Professor in the Law Faculty of Monash University, Australia, and a member of the Monash Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies. 

     He holds LLB (Hons) from the University of Ghana, an LLM from the University of Glasgow (UK), and a PhD from Bond University (Australia). He taught at the University of Ghana, Bond University (Australia), and Lancaster University (in England), before joining Monash University in 2001. Since being at Monash, he has been visiting and/or adjunct professor in various universities internationally, including the US.

     Emmanuel’s research and teaching interests are in International Economic Law (encompassing International Investment Law, International Banking and Finance Law, International Trade Law, and International Commercial Law); Law and Development, including governance and institutions in developing countries; E-commerce and ICT Law.

     Emmanuel was involved in UNCITRAL’s work that led to the promulgation of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records. He served as Supervising Professor on UNCTAD’s University International Investment Agreement Mapping Project, a project that has led to the creation of a valuable database resource in the field of International Investment Law. He has also consulted for government agencies, including for the AUSAID funded ASEAN E-Commerce Project from 2004 to 2007.

For more information on Emmanuel's research and publications please visit



Jake Lowther, LL.M.

Jake is an Australian-qualified lawyer working in international arbitration at Magnusson Advokatbyrå in Stockholm, Sweden and studying Swedish law at Stock-holm University. He works in both commercial and investment arbitration and has experience of the DIS, HKIAC, ICC, ICSID, KCAB and the SCC rules. Prior to moving to Sweden, Jake was working in Seoul, Korea as Foreign Legal Specialist at KCAB INTERNATIONAL in its Int'l Cooperation and Promotion Team. Jake's interest in international arbitration stems from participation in the 2014 Willem C. Vis Inter-national Commercial Arbitration Moot and he has returned as an arbitrator every year since 2017. This interest led Jake to Humboldt-University of Berlin's International Dispute Resolution LL.M. program, which has a particular focus on int'l arbitration. He brings experience of legal practice in both common law and civil law jurisdictions and speaks English, Swedish, French and some German.


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Terrisa Jean Lynch

Terrisa is a Canadian researcher of indigenous and minority rights. She holds degrees in psychology, political science, and biology, as well as a Master in Global Affairs from the University of Prince Edward Island and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. After exploring the field of ‘liberation psychology,’ founded by Ignacio Martín-Baró and developed throughout the Salvadoran Civil War, she is nowadays focusing on socio-political conditions involved in freedom and oppression, and the reduction of socioeconomic barriers to equitable participation of minorities and indigenous populations, which undermine democracy and human rights. For the Investment Law Group, she will write about investment and the rights of aboriginal and indigenous populations.

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Dr. Irene Victoria Massimino, LL.M.

Irene is a lawyer specialized in international criminal law and human rights. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the National University of La Plata, in Argentina and has a Master of Laws from Robert H. McKinney School of Law at Indiana University, where she is currently pursuing her SJD degree. Irene also holds a Master of Human Rights from the School of Advanced Studies of the University of London, in the United Kingdom.

     Irene has served as Rapporteur of the High Criminal Court of Buenos Aires Province, in Argentina, where she focused on institutional violence, police brutality and gender violence cases, many of which became guiding jurisprudence. She also works actively in the fields of internal and international conflicts, human rights violations and atrocity crimes in relation to the experiences of Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, Iraq, Ukraine, Armenia and Artsakh, focusing mainly on justice processes and the crime of genocide. Likewise, she has served in international investigative delegations and trial observation missions. She is the co-founder and co-president of the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention, a US-based leading non-governmental organization in the field of genocide prevention.

     Irene has taught seminars, courses and workshops on public international  law, international human rights law, penology, criminology, and international criminal law, at national and international universities and institutions.

     Irene is a member of the McKinney’s Dean’s Global Advisory Council and Alumni Board; a member of the Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ-American Association of Jurists); a member of the Asociación Pensamiento Penal, and a former Co-Secretary-Treasurer (2015-2017) and current member of the Resolutions Committee (2017-2019, 2019-2021 and 2021-2023) of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS).






Prof. Dr. Csongor Istvàn Nagy, LL.M.

Csongor is ​​a professor of law at the University of Galway, Ireland, and the University of Szeged, Hungary, and a research professor at the HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary. He is an associate member of the Center for Private International Law at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, admitted to the Budapest Bar, and listed at various arbitral institutions.

     Csongor graduated from the Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences (dr. jur.) in Budapest, where he also earned a Ph.D. He received master’s (LL.M.) and S.J.D. degrees from the Central European University (CEU) and a D.Sc. degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He pursued graduate studies in Rotterdam, Heidelberg and Ithaca, New York (Cornell University).

     Csongor is fluent in English, German, Hungarian and Romanian, has a working knowledge of French. He had visiting appointments in The Hague (Asser Institute), Munich (three times, at the Max Planck Institute), Brno (Masarykova University), CEU (Budapest), Hamburg (Max Planck Institute), Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh), London (BIICL), Riga (Riga Graduate School of Law), Bloomington, Indiana (Indiana University), Brisbane, Australia (University of Queensland), Beijing (China-EU School of Law), Taipei, Taiwan (National Chengchi University), Florence (European University Institute), Rome (LUISS) and Ann Arbor, Michigan (University of Michigan). He was a senior fellow at the Center for International Governance Innovation in Canada and Eurojus legal counsel in the European Commission’s Representation in Hungary.

     He has more than 260 publications in English, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian and (in translation) in Croatian and Spanish. His works have been cited, among others, by the Court of Justice of the European Union and Hungarian courts and have been relied upon in litigation before the US Supreme Court.


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Nausha Naik

Nausha is Course Coordinator for India’s first Masters Degree Program in Mediation and Conflict Resolution held by Maharashtra National Law University (MNLU), Mumbai. Apart from coordinating the Program, she co-teaches a course on Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinical to LL. B students at the University. She has completed her Master of Laws in International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution from the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is an ADR ODR International Accredited Civil-Commercial Mediator and empanelled as a Level 1 Mediator with Singapore International Mediation Institute (Singapore) and Neutral with SAMA, Institute (Bengaluru, India)





Petyo Nikolov, LL.M.

Petyo is a German-qualified lawyer currently working as in-house counsel for a local bank which is part of the French Crédit Mutuel Alliance Féderale banking group. He also acts as a specialized legal consultant with the International Arbitration Chambers New York in international investment disputes. Previously, Petyo clerked for the law firms Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP (International Arbitration, Düsseldorf) and Herbert Smith Freehills LLP (Dispute Resolution, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf) as well as for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

     Petyo is a doctoral candidate at the University of Cologne, where he previously worked as a research fellow at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC). His research focuses on international investment law, European law, international dispute settlement, and energy law. Petyo holds an LL.M. degree in Business Law from the University of Cologne.

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Dr. Mosun Oke, LL.M.

Mosun is the managing partner at Tope Adebayo LLP, a full-service law firm in Lagos, Nigeria. Her expertise cuts across corporate and commercial law, corporate finance, capital markets, intellectual property, and technology law. She holds Master of Law (LL.M) degrees in International Commercial Law from the University of Leicester, in the United Kingdom, and in Intellectual Property Law from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, in the United States.

     Mosun completed her S.J.D. at the McKinney School of Law in Indiana in December 2023. Her research is focused on Intellectual Property Asset Financing, with the goal of determining the appropriate policy framework for Nigeria.​​​

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Daniel Pap, LL.M.

Daniel is the secretary of the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) on human rights and the environment (CDDH-ENV) and human rights and artificial intelligence (CDDH-IA) at the Council of Europe. Daniel has been teaching the International Investment Law course at European Humanities University since 2021, and he was the co-coach of the 2019 Philip C. Jessup public international law world champion moot court team (ELTE Law School).
     Before joining the secretariat of the CDDH, Daniel worked as a lawyer at the European Court of Human Rights where he specialized in right to property and fair trial issues, and as an international arbitration associate at international law firms representing clients in ICC, LCIA and ICSID arbitration proceedings.
     He holds an LLM (with distinction) in comparative international dispute resolution from Queen Mary University of London and a J.D. from Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest. Daniel is admitted to the Budapest Bar.
     Daniel's main research interests are comparative law, international investment law, international investment arbitration, human rights law and the interaction between human rights law and international investment protection.







Prof. Dr. Markus Petsche, LL.M.

Markus is a Professor at the Department of Legal Studies of Central European University (Vienna) where he teaches International Commercial Arbitration, International Investment Law, Mediation, and Private International Law. He is Of Counsel at Petsche Pollak (Vienna), focusing on complex international commercial disputes. His scholarly work, cited extensively in the relevant literature, has notably been referred to by the Supreme Court of Oregon and relied upon in litigation before the US Supreme Court. Prior to embarking on an academic career, Markus Petsche served as deputy counsel at the Secretariat of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce and practiced international arbitration with Gide Loyrette Nouel (both in Paris). Markus Petsche regularly serves as arbitrator and mediator in international business disputes.



Botond Petres, LL.M.

Botond is a Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. student in Finance at BabeÅŸ-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Before that, Botond worked as an international arbitration intern and junior associate at international law firms, based in Paris. 
Botond holds an LLM (with distinction) in international business law from Queen Mary University of London, an LLM (with high honors) in French and European law from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an MSc (with distinction) in inter-national business management from BabeÅŸ-Bolyai University. He is admitted to the State Bar of Nevada.
     Botond’s main research interests are comparative law, international investment law, international arbitration, and issues related to valuation. 





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Prof. Lisa Sachs, J.D., MA

Lisa is the Director of the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), a joint Center of Columbia Climate School and Columbia Law School, and Associate Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia Climate School. Since joining CCSI in 2008, she established and oversees CCSI’s interdisciplinary research and advisory work on the alignment of investment law, practice, and policy with the Sustainable Development Goals. She is a globally recognized expert in the ways that laws, policies and business practices shape global investment flows and affect sustainable develop-ment. She works with governments around the world, regional and international development organizations, financial institutions, companies, civil society organiza-tions and academic centers to understand the inter-relations of investment flows and sustainable development, and to influence investment policies and practices to promote the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Harvard University, a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, and a Juris Doctor degree from Columbia Law School.



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Dr. Kitsuron Sangsuvan, LL.M.

Kitsuron (Kit) obtained his doctoral degree (S.J.D.) from the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law in 2019. He also holds an LL.M. in Global Legal Studies and another LL.M. in Intellectual Property from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law and worked as a legal researcher for the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition while in Chicago. He will be contributing his experience with ASEAN to our project. 



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Sneha Sanyal, LL.M.

Sneha is an Indian qualified lawyer with an LLM in Corporate and Commercial Laws from The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (NUJS). Her current research focuses on competition issues in digital markets and international trade. Before her Masters, she worked as a Disputes Resolution Lawyer, handling among others, various arbitration cases. She completed her undergraduate studies (B.A.LLB) from National Law Institute University, Bhopal, where owing to her wider interest in the field of international trade and investment laws, she worked with trade teams of leading law firms in India, think tanks, and academicians, and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the NLIU International Trade Law Journal.




Prof. Dr. Julian Scheu, LL.M.

Julian is Junior Professor of Public Law, International Law, and International Invest-ment Law at the University of Cologne and head of management at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC). His research focuses on international economic law, European law, international dispute settlement, and comparative administrative law. Prior to joining the IILCC, he worked as legal assistant with the German Arbitration Institute (DIS).

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Lisa Schoettmer, LL.M.

Lisa is a doctoral candidate at the University of Cologne, where she also works as a research assistant at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne for Prof. Dr. Julian Scheu. Her research focuses primarily on the fields of international environ-mental law and international investment law. She obtained her Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree from Queen Mary University of London, focussing on comparative and inter-national dispute resolution. Previously she studied law at the University of Cologne (1st state exam), where she worked as a student assistant at the Institute for Air Law, Space Law and Cyberlaw.

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Eugene Thong, LL.M., FCIArb

Eugene is effectively trilingual in English, Chinese and French, and conversant in Russian and Japanese. He read law in Paris, qualified as a solicitor in England, and is a certified Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He has experience as arbitrator and also as tribunal secretary assisting several of Asia’s most prominent arbitrators, including on Chinese language cases. He used to work as Deputy Counsel at the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration in both Hong Kong and Singapore, where he managed hundreds of cases including non-English ones, and to date remains the only Deputy Counsel to have administered a significant docket of cases from each of the following regions: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania and the Middle East. In the span of his career, Eugene has handled both commercial and investment arbitration cases, with proceedings being ad hoc or administered by institutions such as the ICC, SIAC, HKIAC, LCIA, CIETAC, SCC, Russian Arbitration Center, PCA and ICSID.


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Adilbek Tussupov, LL.M.

Adilbek is a foreign lawyer with the dispute resolution team of Herbert Smith Freehills based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He focuses his practice on international dispute resolution matters, with a particular emphasis on investment and commercial arbitration.

     Adilbek has experience representing governments, sovereign wealth funds and diplomatic missions in arbitration and litigation. His recent work includes defending an Eastern European state in multi-million dollar investment arbitration under the ICC Arbitration Rules as well as representing a government in post-arbitration enforcement proceedings in several jurisdictions.

     Adilbek is an accredited mediator (CEDR, London) and a member of the Nur-Sultan Chamber of Legal Consultants (Kazakhstan). He regularly lectures at universities in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Germany.



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Ella Wisniewski, LL.M.

Ella is an international arbitration lawyer based in the Perth office of Herbert Smith Freehills, where she advises clients on the resolution of complex disputes in the energy, mining and resources sectors. Alongside her practice, Ella has presented and published several articles on renewable energy investment disputes, and the interface between ISDS and the global energy transition. She will be guest lecturing on contemporary issues in international investment law at the University of Puerto Rico this year. In 2018, Ella was awarded third place in the Nappert Prize in International Arbitration, for her research on the interpretation of the ‘legitimate expectations’ principle in claims under the Energy Charter Treaty. In 2020, Ella was named in the Australasian Lawyer ‘Rising Stars’ list. Ella obtained her LL.B.  from the University of Notre Dame Australia, and her LL.M. degree from Humboldt University, Berlin.


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Dr. Yueming Yan, LL.M.

Yueming is a Global PhD Fellow at Singapore Management University Yong Pung How School of Law. Her research interests cover international investment law and arbitration, international dispute resolution, China’s law and arbitration, comparative law, and empirical legal studies. Yueming has published and presented widely on sustainable development in international economic law. Yueming holds a PhD degree from McGill University, a Master of Law degree from Xiamen University, and a Bachelor of Law degree from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.








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