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Welcome to the new home
of the
European Journal of Law Reform (EJLR)

ISSN 1387-2370

Board of Editors
Scientific Advisory Board


The EJLR is the leading scientific journal providing international and comparative analysis of past, present, and future law reform projects and needs around the world. The EJLR is not the journal of European law reform but it is proud of its roots in European traditions of public and private international law, philosophy and sociology of law, legal theory, and comparative analysis. European integration and European standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms are important points of reference as well, although comparative analysis of other regions, countries, and legal systems is always welcome.

The EJLR was launched in 1998 and initially published by Kluwer Law International. When Selma Hoedt left Kluwer and started Eleven International Publishing in 2003, the EJLR was one of the journals she took along. Eleven was then acquired by Boom Uitgevers of The Hague in 2010. Boom, via its subsidiary Eleven, has been the publisher of the EJLR since then.

To make the EJLR more widely available and, therefore, more attractive to submitting authors, the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law and its Center for International and Comparative Law agreed with Boom to take over the publication as of Volume 25. McKinney will publish the EJLR open access, and the CILP will host the journal on its website for anyone and every one, free of charge.

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