If you look up the work of our Investment Law Group, you will find the first chapters of the textbook coming alive. Our original goal was to make the entire textbook available by now, enabling instructors to select and assign the book for their fall classes. We are a bit behind schedule but we are still aiming at having close to the entire book online before the end of 2022 for use in the spring semester. We are referring to our chapters as "drafts" for now because some cross-references are still missing. However, every draft chapter has been reviewed by several peers and Prof. Emmert, as general editor of the book project. In this way, we want to fulfil our promise, to provide a high quality textbook and to do so free of charge, in particular for instructors and students in countries where the established and expensive textbooks are unavailable or unaffordable.
Please send comments and suggestions for further improvement to femmert@iupui.edu.